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Upcoming Presentation – Practical Considerations for Building Facade Inspections

2015 Georgia Engineers Summer Conference – Brasstown Valley Resort

Innovative Engineering, Inc. is pleased to announce that we will once again be presenting at this year’s Georgia Engineers Summer Conference which is hosted by ACEC Georgia, ASCE, GEF, IEEE and GSPE. Our presentation will focus on “Building Facade Inspections: Practical Considerations for Inspection and Risk Assessment.”

About the Conference

The Conference takes place June 18, 2015 – June 21, 2015 and will be located at the beautiful Brasstown Valley Resort in Young Harris, GA. In addition to presenting as a speaker, IEI will also have an exhibit booth at the conference, so please be sure to stop by and visit with our staff and register for our daily drawing! Learn More…

Synopsis of Presentation

It is estimated that a piece of masonry falls from a building in the U.S. once every three weeks. It has taken front page news of personal injury, death, and property damage to prompt government authorities to implement policy outlining requirements for periodic façade inspections.

This session will look at the history of façade inspection ordinances, why façades fail, and how to properly conduct façade inspections. Background information will be presented on types of facades and the history of façade inspections.

Material considerations will be discussed, including discussion on the various types of materials used in façade construction and how environmental factors affect these materials.

A dissection of a typical façade inspection will provide an understanding how to conduct an inspection and highlight common pitfalls. Reporting requirements will be discussed and case studies will be used to provide real world examples of common types of issues encountered and how to choose the proper