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Weiland and Morgan to Present Practical Application of Physical Security Criteria at SAME JETS Nashville

DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings – UFC 4-010-01.  

Scott L. Weiland PE and Stephen L. Morgan EI, physical security specialists and structural engineers at IEI in Atlanta, will be featured speaker’s at this year’s 2015 South Central/South Atlantic Joint Engineer Training Symposium (JETS) hosted by the Society of American Military Engineers Nashville and Fort Campbell Posts. The presentation will focus on “Practical Application of Physical Security Criteria: Anti-Terrorism Force Protection ATFP and Blast Resistant Building Design.

SAME-logo2The Conference takes place August 26 – 28, 2015 and will be located at Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conference Center in Nashville, TN.  In addition to presenting as a speaker Thursday, August 27th, from 1:10 – 2:00 in Technical Session #3, we will also be exhibiting at the conference in Booth 505, so please be sure to stop by and visit with our staff and register for our daily drawing!

Synopsis of Presentation:  The presentation will bridge the gap between theory and practical application of physical security standards for new and renovation building construction projects.  Topics include architectural, civil, electrical, mechanical, and structural design implications.  A brief overview of Anti-terrorism Risk Analysis, terrorist threats, and the affects and protection from blast and progressive collapse will be covered.  The seminar is presented by front line building design professionals with specialized education and experience in physical security design.

About the Presenter’s:  Scott L. Weiland, PE, president of IEI, has 35 years experience in the building design and construction industry including over 20 years of expertise in physical security design.  He received his BSCE from the University of Michigan and has received advanced physical security, blast and progressive collapse training from: USACE Protective Design Center; Baker-Risk; Applied Research Associates; and Protection Engineering Consultants.  Stephen L. Morgan, EI, an ATFP Consultant of IEI, has 10 years of experience in security engineering with expertise in performing ATFP peer reviews, blast design, and progressive collapse.  He received his BSCET from Southern Polytechnic State University and has received advanced physical security training in blast resistance for anti-terrorism from: Protective Engineering Consultants; and Stone Security Engineering.

Mr. Weiland and Mr. Morgan often consults to architects and other engineers on physical security and performs peer reviews on behalf of the government.