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The Importance of Structural Building Inspection

structural building inspection

Are you up to date on your building inspections?

When is the last time you had a thorough roof and facade inspection done by a professional company?

There are currently 12 cities in the United States with ordinances that mandate periodic inspections of building facades, most of which are located in the Midwest. However, across the country, many building owners and managers elect to partake in voluntary facade inspections for both safety and long-term financial reasons.

Drone Technology for Structural Building Inspection

Drone technology has become a great asset to structural building inspection techniques. Drones equipped with infrared cameras can quickly and efficiently document large areas of a building and capture the footage for later inspection.

Thermal imaging is best utilized after sunset. Dry insulation cools off faster, so the areas that have been penetrated by water will remain brighter when viewed through an IR camera.

A Couple of Waterproofing Principles

Water is one of the most damaging elements to your roof and building. Symptoms such as cracking, ponding water, and accumulated debris can indicate a significant problem. Regular, proper inspections of your roof can head off a more expensive repair in the future.

  • 90% of the water intrusion problems occur within 1% of the total building exterior. Usually at terminations and transitions. Most common where roof meets wall.
  • 99% of water intrusion problems are attributable to human error including detailing, specifications, or installation. Not material or system failures.
  • Where installer doesn’t know what to do, use lots of sealants.
  • Sealant may only last 2 years, 6-8, 8-12 years if everything is perfect.

Why are Structural Condition Assessments Performed?

  • Code compliance (Laws and ordinances)
  • Building user observations
  • Real estate Due Diligence surveys

According to International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), “the exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to public health, safety or welfare.”

There are currently 12 cities in the United States with ordinances that mandate periodic inspections of building facades, most of which are in the Midwest. However, across the country, many building owners and managers elect to partake in voluntary facade inspections for both safety and long-term financial reasons.

Did you know that a structured self-inspection of your building can prevent problems before they start and before anyone gets hurt? What may appear as an insignificant defect can turn into a big problem if ignored.

If you have tried several repairs unsuccessfully, call in a progressive collapse expert. Specialized equipment is necessary to thoroughly investigate and take guesswork out of the equation, so make sure you call a company with the proper experience to investigate the source and cause of an issue.

Utilize the IEI Advantage for Your Structural Building Inspection!

IEI’s state-of-the-art techniques provide a very thorough condition assessment. The time to know the true extent of any deficiencies is now, not after the restoration contractor has started work – which would lead to change orders and damaged reputations. Contact us today!

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