Sidewalk Vaults

Atlanta Louisville Seattle

Hurt Plaza, Sidewalk Vault Analysis and Repairs

Atlanta, GA
Built in 1926, Hurt Plaza is on the National Register of Historic Places. IEI performed survey and document research to create a composite structural drawing of first elevated building level for condition survey. Conducted condition survey of exterior basement walls and sidewalk support structure. Performed a cursory structural analysis of exterior wall and sidewalk structure for existing conditions and the Atlanta Streetcar. Prepared condition assessment report with recommendations for remedial work and engineered shoring of sidewalk and basement wall to support Atlanta Streetcar surcharge loading.

Richard B Russell Research Center, Auditorium Roof Spall Repair

Athens, GA
Performed inspection and engineering study of waterproofing systems and structural components of underground auditorium roof. Above the subject area, there is a building sidewalk, a driveway bordered by concrete curbs, sidewalk, marble steps, and a plaza with marble pavers and planters around the perimeter. Covering materials, including concrete sidewalks and marble pavers, were selectively demolished to expose the structure from above. Prepared condition assessment report and provided recommendations for remedial work and cost estimates for needed repairs.

About the author

Scott L Weiland PE SE PCC
Founder of Innovative Engineering Inc. with over 45 years’ experience as a Structural and Building Envelope engineer. His passion is showing Commercial Real Estate owners and managers how to spend pennies on engineering to save dollars on restoration and maintenance. He can be reached at (770)517-5507.