Structural Engineering Blog

Atlanta Louisville Seattle

When Industrial Rope Access Reigns: Integrating Industrial Rope Access in Structural Engineering Projects

Fatalities and serious injuries from falls are still among OSHA’s Fatal Four hazards in the workplace. Industrial Rope Access holds an enviable safety record, compared to all other work-at-height methods. According to the Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT) with over 7.5 million man-hours of work, there have been very few lost-time accidents. Industrial…

Field Testing for Reinforced Concrete

Want to know the health of your concrete structure? Want to upgrade your concrete structure but don’t have as-built structural drawings? Non-destructive and minimally invasive concrete field testing can determine the health of your concrete structure and predict its useful remaining life. It can also determine or verify the reinforcement in your concrete structure. Non-destructive…