Do’s and Don’ts of Restoring Commercial Brick Buildings

Do you own or manage a historic building? Are you concerned about the aging facade or overall structure of your building? Many communities realize the value of historic and cultural character older buildings have to offer, and historic preservation plays a significant role in maintaining a city’s culture. Brickwork looks great when it’s well-maintained, but … Read more

Best Practices for Structural Building Inspection

There are currently 12 cities in the United States with ordinances that mandate periodic inspections of building façades, most of which are located in the Midwest. However, across the country, many building owners and managers elect to partake in voluntary façade inspections for both safety and long-term financial reasons. Everyone can be involved in keeping … Read more

Are You Using Fall Protection Properly?

fall protection

Are your employees properly protected from fall hazards? Are you absolutely sure that your equipment is up to OSHA Regulations and ANSI Standards, and your employees properly equipped for fall protection? There’s nothing worse than a false sense of security, especially when working at great heights. There are many occasions when workers think they’re protected … Read more

Structural Façade Forensic Investigation: Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center

Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center

In response to a concern the USDA had regarding cracks and rust colored stains in the limestone façade of the Richard B. Russell Research Center, the team of Toland & Mizell Architects and Innovative Engineering were asked to conduct a façade forensic investigation. More specifically, the USDA was concerned about the structural integrity of the … Read more

Façade Inspection & Liability

Façade Inspection & Liability

Why Should I Care About Façade Inspection? The recent street closures in downtown Atlanta during tropical depression Irma remind us of the importance of routine façade inspection. Hurricane Irma was downgraded to a tropical storm over northern Florida and to a tropical depression south of Columbus, Georgia. While both hurricanes and tropical storms typically spawn … Read more