FM Global (Factory Mutual)

Atlanta Louisville Seattle

Americold Logistics, Storage Rack Capacity Analysis

Atlanta, GA
Conducted an as-built analysis of a typical three bay storage rack assuming typical 40” x 48” 2250 lb pallet loads at two shelf elevations at the Lakewood Facility. The analysis considered all of the members and connections that make up a typical three bay rack. Gravity pallet load, vertical impact and lateral static and seismic loads were applied to the rack in accordance with the ANSI standard. It was determined that the racks were incapable of resisting the code prescribed lateral loads parallel to the row of racks. Recommended the design of a supplemental lateral bracing system for the storage racks.

Source Refrigeration & HVAC, Load Rating of Mezzanine & Racks

Woodstock, GA

Conducted an as-built analysis of an existing 2,500 SF wood frame mezzanine, supporting walls and openings, stairs and guardrail to determine if these items could resist minimum code required loads. Gravity loads were applied to the mezzanine. It was determined that the mezzanine was not capable of supporting the code prescribed live load. Additionally, the existing railings, posts, and post attachment to the mezzanine and stair stringer were not capable of resisting the minimum code required loads. Provided recommendations for making several cost effective structural improvements.

Lexington Precision, Retrofit Roof Analysis & Asbestos Survey

Jasper, GA

Conducted survey and analysis of the roofing, retrofit roof framing, and decking on the main plant roof at the Lexington Precision facility. Considering the age and construction of the structure, along with the fact that no report of previous asbestos testing was available, sampling and testing for the presence of any asbestos containing materials was performed. No ACM was identified and results of the testing were provided as an appendix to the Final Wood Decking & Retrofit Roof Analysis Report.